Everybody should write a poem, or doodle a sketch. Everyday or once in a while. But regular is better. When we were small, the first thing we do was not to write, but to draw. We remember songs, and poetry - not the statistics of war. We were happy with crayons, and pencils and white walls. But when we grow up we were told they won't bring us money to happiness, and to be doctors and engineers instead. Or teachers or department heads. And maths became important, together with science, and biology and grades, and exams and failures – no one is going to tolerate. The future is bleak with a crayon and watercolours, but is made of calculators and set squares and rulers and norms. Technology is important, so we ditch pencils and papers and became friendly with the mouse, and lcd screens and dvds and tvs and modems and engines and vending machines. Where have we been? So far we've seen. It is sad that only kids get to receive crayons and papers, and magic markers an...